“Prayer can do all things, for it moves the Hand that manages the whole universe.
I prayed for a pure heart, it took me a long time and a hard struggle to discover that prayer itself is the only road to a pure heart.
Prayer is the storage of grace and backbone of blessings, it controls anger and conquers the spirit.
Prayer is a safe road you walk on so no darkness will catch up with you, but rather leads you to a place of comfort.”
Pope Kyrillos VI
Man of prayer
Axios Axios Axios Pope Ava Kyrillos VI
We will celebrate the feast of Pope Kyrillos
- Friday, March 8th (7:00 pm – 7:40 pm): Vespers, procession, and glorification (kids, youths and all congregation are invited)
- Saturday, March 9th (8:30 am – 11:00 am): Holy Liturgy
The blessing and prayers of our father Pope Kyrillos VI to be with all. Amen.